
CS 302 Professional Issues


Aims, Learning Outcomes and Syllabus

Lecture Notes

In 2008, there will be no lecture on any of M 13 October, M 3 November and F 21 November.

Chapter 0 Introduction
Chapter 1 Basics of Company Organisation
Chapter 2 Finance: Costing & Cash Flow
Chapter 3 Finance: Funding & Legal Requirements
Chapter 4 Company Structure & Management
Chapter 5 Health & Safety Considerations
Chapter 6 Professionalism & the Engineering Institutions
Chapter 7 Ethical Considerations
Chapter 8 Legal Considerations
Chapter 9 Computer Misuse Legislation
Chapter 10 Data Protection Legislation
Chapter 11 Further Legal Issues
Chapter 12 Contracts
Chapter 13 Reprise

Tutorial Exercises

The questions are intended for small group discussion in the scheduled tutorials, and for further study. Attendance at the tutorials, and participation in the discussions, is regarded as mandatory. Remember that we are running a week behind, so that material here labelled, say, Week 6 will be studied in Week 7 - fits the lectures better!

Week 3
Week 6
Week 9
Week 4
Week 7
Week 10
Week 5
Week 8
Week 11

Assessed Exercises

These are neither issued nor used for this class - see the comment about participation in the tutorials!


Examinations are held in the exam diet immediately following your initial study of the class (presently, in January), with the possibility of a resit in the August diet. Copies of examination papers from previous exam diets can normally be obtained from the University Library; first check that you know the relevant class code (here, CS 302, though you should omit the space when using the search index) then consult the on-line exam paper link. For this particular class, you should also consult the very similar papers used in the past for the class 52 235. Copies of solutions are not issued (they form the basis of much of the tutorial material), though you are welcome to discuss your attempts at previous papers with the class lecturer (as well as with each other!).

© Paul Goldfinch 2008 Classes in Computer Science