Complete both the questions from the previous tutorial, if you have not already done so; it really does matter that you do that! Then turn to the material below (though note that in the last couple of years the later parts of these questions ran ahead of the lecture material - and it will probably be the same this year).
The questions that follow are all extracted from previous examination papers, the first set being drawn from a multi-choice question and the other from one of the longer questions. The multi-choice ones, in particular, are intended for discussion ... not so much, which is the right answer, as why (and in the case of the other possible answers why not!): the best answer is not always the obvious one!
The British Computer Society operates a Career Development Framework [Question originally set in the context of the now-superseded Professional Development Scheme] for its members. Outline the main features of this scheme.
In what ways might membership of this scheme benefit you in your career as a computer scientist?
How would you expect a company participating in the scheme to benefit?
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